
MFC child dialog

I have 2 dockPanels inside of MainFrm .

there are buttons on the second panel.

when button(in this case first btn) gets clicked

new dialog which includes static "out" OK, CANCEL buttons will be displayed.

OUT dialog's settings: border: thin, style: child.

enter image description here

but when I run it It shows Like this image

and the PROBLEM is the buttons which are should be positioned at the end of that dialog, but there are getting displayed at the center--> which means, I can not display anything at that area from current btns' POS to the bottom.

enter image description here

reference: OnBnClickedCtrlBtn1Out this->GetClientRect : width = 1582 height = 858

code is:

BOOL ProjDlg::OnInitDialog()

    CRect rect;

    m_CctrlOutDlg.Create(IDD_CTRL_DLG_OUT, this);   

    m_CctrlOutDlg.SetWindowPos(NULL, 0, rect.top+40, rect.Width(), rect.Height()-40, SW_SHOW | SWP_NOZORDER);

    return TRUE;  


void ProjDlg::OnBnClickedCtrlBtn1Out()
    CRect rectCtrl;
    m_CctrlOutDlg.MoveWindow(rectCtrl.left, rectCtrl.top + 40, rectCtrl.Width(), rectCtrl.Height()-40);



    1. I editted SetWindowPos's flags as @llspectable said (which I did typo)
    2. Simply made IDD_DIALOG itself bigger by dragging(??)

    enter image description here