
I am getting this error while installing prometheus operator in helm

This chart is deprecated Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: failed to install CRD crds/crd-alertmanager.yaml: unable to recognize "": no matches for kind "CustomResourceDefinition" in version "apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1"


  • helm install prometheus monitor/prometheus-operator --namespace prometheus

    The chart prometheus-operator is deprecated!

    Deprecation message:

    This chart will be renamed, but first must be deprecated before the prometheus-community/helm-charts repo is indexed, so that it won't be listed in the hubs. See [this prometheus-community issue](https://github.com/prometheus-community/community/issues/28#issuecomment-670406329) for reasoning and next steps.

    Try the latest one:

    $ helm repo add prometheus-community https://prometheus-community.github.io/helm-charts
    $ helm repo update
    $ helm install kube-prometheus-stack prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack --namespace prometheus

    N.B.: The apiVersion for custom resource definitions (CRD) is apiextensions.k8s.io/v1 now.