I have a class which is having multiple companion objects which are lists of strings. In another class (Activity) I am having a string which can have name of any of the companion object. Is there a way of accessing other class's companion object without If/Else statements.
class ProjectDataLists {
companion object {
var Countries: List<String> = listOf(
var Cars: List<String> = listOf(
Activity Class
var IntentVariable: String = "Countries" //This is an Intent variable (extra) from another activity
var DataToBeFetched : List<String>? = null
if (IntentVariable == "Countries")
DataToBeFetched = ProjectDataLists.Countries
else if (IntentVariable == "Cars")
DataToBeFetched = ProjectDataLists.Cars
I want last part of Activity class to be done without if/else
You could use reflection:
import kotlin.reflect.full.companionObject
import kotlin.reflect.full.memberProperties
class ProjectDataLists {
companion object {
var Countries: List<String> = listOf("USA", "Canada", "Australia", "UK")
var Cars: List<String> = listOf("Toyota", "Suzuki", "Honda", "Ford")
var intentVariable = "Countries"
val dataToBeFetched = (ProjectDataLists::class
.first { it.name == intentVariable } // Will crash with NoSuchElementException if intentVariable is not existing
.call(ProjectDataLists) as List<*>)
println(dataToBeFetched) // Output: [USA, Canada, Australia, UK]
But if you have only a few lists in your companion object, I would recommend to not use reflection. Note that you can simplify your if statement by using when:
val dataToBeFetched = when (intentVariable) {
"Countries" -> ProjectDataLists.Countries
"Cars" -> ProjectDataLists.Cars
// and more here ...
This is very readable and in comparison to reflection very explicit and safe.