
Access values of Behavior Subject

I realise there are several questions on this on StackOverflow and I'm still working my way through them.

I am trying to access the values of a behavior subject but obviously don't understand enough to get there. I've read through the rxjs docs and various other sources. I have tried creating a new BehaviourSubject, using next, subscribing to it, etc. Also tried using pipe & map to map it out.


is an Observable - Behavior Subject, which has a private field _values, which I am trying to access but can't. And then project that to a variable so I can access the field values and use in my component.

items$ is a getter to retrieve the observable

private _items$ = new BehaviorSubject<T[]>([]);
get items$() {
    return this._items$.asObservable();

I want something like this, which I found tbh without finding an item based on its id

public model: IModel; 

  map(items => <IModel>items.find(item => item.ID === => {
    this.model = item

Any pointers would be appreciated.


  • if you want to get the values from BehaviorSubject directly - you need to call BehaviorSubject.value.

    so you can expose to method in your service:

    private _items$ = new BehaviorSubject<T[]>([]);
    get items$() {
      return this._items$.asObservable();
    get items() {
       return this._items$.value;