I have below two data frame from which i am trying to identify the unmatched row value from data frame two. This is the part of migration where i want to see the difference after source data being migrated/moved to different destination.
|abc| 1.1| 1.2|
|def| 3.0| 3.4|
|abc| 2.1| 2.2|
|def| 3.0| 3.4|
i want to see the output something like below
key: abc,
col: val11 val12
difference: [src-1.1,dst:2.1] [src:1.2,dst:2.2]
Any solution for this?
source_df = spark.createDataFrame(
], ['key','val11','val12']
dest_df = spark.createDataFrame(
], ['key','val11','val12']
report = source_df\
.join(dest_df, 'key', 'full')\
.filter((source_df.val11 != dest_df.val11) | (source_df.val12 != dest_df.val12))\
.withColumn('difference_val11', F.concat(F.lit('[src:'), source_df.val11, F.lit(',dst:'),dest_df.val11,F.lit(']')))\
.withColumn('difference_val12', F.concat(F.lit('[src:'), source_df.val12, F.lit(',dst:'),dest_df.val12,F.lit(']')))\
.select('key', 'difference_val11', 'difference_val12')
|key| difference_val11| difference_val12|
Or, if you want exactally in that format:
for x in report.select('key', 'difference_val11', 'difference_val12').collect():
print("key: " + str(x[0]) + ",\n\n" +\
"col: val11 val12\n\n" +\
"difference: " + str(x[1]) + " " + str(x[2]))
key: abc,
col: val11 val12
difference: [src:1.1,dst:2.1] [src:1.2,dst:2.2]