
Overloading prefix operators ++/-- globally

I can globally overload unary + and - operators like this:

#include <cstdint>

enum local_states_t
    LOCAL_STATE_A = 1,

typedef uint32_t state_type_t;

state_type_t operator-(local_states_t state) { return static_cast<state_type_t>(state | (1<<31)); }

Can I do the same for prefix ++/--? The problem here of course is how would the compiler know that it only needs to call these functions for local_state_t - types? Prefix operators don't have a dummy value..


  • (From the comments)

    Yes - you can define local_states_t& operator++(local_states_t &). Unlike classes, enums can't have members, so you need a free function.

    You can also define it to return state_type_t, which is unusual but allowed.