I want to link downloadable content on my documentation and I tried putting in a link like this:
} download="file-name"
> download </a>
This generates following html:
<a download="file-name" href="/assets/images/API-Description-6aeb65d8ae136a70b1b5a3d916d27ca0.png"> download </a>
<a download="file-name" href="/assets/images/API-Description-6aeb65d8ae136a70b1b5a3d916d27ca0.png"> download </a>
When I click on the link, I get
"Page Not Found"
I am running version: 2.0.0-beta.17
You had to use inline-html with the download
attribute and target="_blank"
[not working](/logo.png)
<a href={ require("/logo.png").default } download={"origName"}>not working</a>
<a target="_blank" href={ require("/logo.png").default } download>working</a>