I have managed to create a graph using JpGraph, I want to now take it a step further and embed this graph in my template/view php file.
So I put the graph code into a seperate php file to then embed however, when I try to embed it via
<embed src="templates/ctl008/graphshow.php" height=80em; width=160em;> </embed>
it leaves me with a requested URL not found
I have fiddled with the path and tried just: graphshow.php
, ctl008/graphshow.php
and other such variations. Is it my path that is not correct or is there something else I am missing? I have also tried to embed it with <img src="graphshow.php" />
A funny quirk is when I turn on ini_set('display_errors', 1); error_reporting(E_ALL);
and try to view the graph on its own I am left with an error message: JpGraph Error: HTTP headers have already been sent. Caused by output from file gd_image.inc.php at line 92.
but if i turn off the error_reporting
it displays the graph as expected.
I would appreciate any pointers in the right direction with this :)
Here is my graphshow.php
<?php require_once ('../library/include/jpgraph/src/jpgraph.php');
require_once ('../library/include/jpgraph/src/jpgraph_line.php');
require_once ('../library/include/jpgraph/src/jpgraph_bar.php');
ini_set('display_errors', 1); ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1); error_reporting(E_ALL);
$gasArray = array();
foreach($searchArray as $gArray){
$gasArray[] = $gArray['GASVB'];
$stromArray = array();
foreach($searchArray as $sArray){
$stromArray[] = $sArray['STROVB'];
$olArray = array();
foreach($searchArray as $oArray){
$olArray[] = $oArray['OLVB'];
if(!empty($gasArray) || !empty($stromArray) || !empty($olArray)){
$width= 1200;
$height = 400;
$graph = new Graph($width, $height);
$graph->title->Set('Energie Verbrauch');
// print_r($dateArray);
$lineGas = new LinePlot($gasArray);
$lineStrom = new LinePlot($stromArray);
$lineOl = new LinePlot($olArray);
I'd like to start off with a few helpful links:
JpGraph Error: HTTP headers have already been sent
now that that is out of the way, how I managed to get it working:
Starting with the advice/help in the above StackOverflow link I turned my seperate php file into a function
the final line of my graphshow.php
function was this: $graph->Stroke("charts/graphEnergy.png");
where charts
is the folder I am saving in and graphEnergy.png
is the name of the file being saved.
then in my view/template
page I require_once('chart/ctl008/graphshow.php');
made my php file accessible, called my function like so generateGraph($gasArray, $stromArray, $olArray);
and then in the html section embedded the graph with <img src="./charts/graphEnergy.png" />
What really tripped me up was needing to call the graph.png
with the ./
before the charts/graphEnergy.php
, and then I was able to display my bootiful graph on my view/template
I hope this helps someone in the future :)