
How to UIActivityViewController excluded items dynamic based on a changing array?

I went through a tutorial for implementing the UIActivityViewController everything is working as expected. I can also use excludedItems property to remove any default options in UIActivityViewController. But now I want to make this code more dynamic. Actually my plan is that user can choose which options he can choose to omit or exclude from the UIActivityViewController . So for that I am planning to pass an array with some fixed keys and based on that keys I can define which items to included in excluded lists. Below is the sample code :

NSArray* excludedArray = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"Facebook", nil];
UIActivityViewController *controller = [[UIActivityViewController alloc]initWithActivityItems:items applicationActivities:nil];
if ( [excludedArray containsObject: @"Facebook"] ) {
    NSArray *excluded = @[UIActivityTypeMessage];
    controller.excludedActivityTypes = excluded;

Right now excludedArray only contains message string so based on that I added the UIActivityTypeMessage to excluded array . But tomorrow if the user adds more item to excludedArray for example print then based on that I must be able to add UIActivityTypePrint to excluded array. How to achieve that?


  • Objective c - Alternative(you can use if else statement as objective c doesn't support strings for switch cases)

    -(NSArray<UIActivityType>*)getExcludedActivityTypes:(NSArray<NSString*>*)stringArray {
    NSMutableArray<UIActivityType> * excludeArray = @[].mutableCopy;
    for(NSString * str in stringArray) {
        if([str isEqualToString:@"messaging"]){
            [excludeArray addObject:UIActivityTypeMessage];
        else if([str isEqualToString:@"postToTwitter"]){
            [excludeArray addObject:UIActivityTypePostToTwitter];
        // write others to exclude those types
    return excludeArray;}