I have been upgrading one of the app to spring framwork 5.X from 3.X, one of the problem I am failing to resolve it error is following - this makes a use of spring-jms
cannot access org.springframework.context.SmartLifecycle [ERROR]
class file for org.springframework.context.SmartLifecycle not found
I can see last version the exact same code works with Spring 4.3.9 (last of 4.X release) and breaks with Spring 5.0.0 (First of 5.X releases)
I don't see my code exposing the class SmartLifecycle
but I have suspicion that DefaultMessageListenerContainer
instance is at a fault.
public class Factory {
private DefaultMessageListenerContainer testListnerService;
public void start() {
final TestMessageListener testMessageListener = new TestMessageListener();
testListnerService = new DefaultMessageListenerContainer(); <-- This is where compilation breaks
I have created minimal example here https://github.com/milandesai47/com.jms.test/blob/master/pom.xml#L33
Am I missing anything obvious in terms of spring dependencies?
You need to add the following dependency to your pom.xml: