I want to add a text chat system in a-frame. I'm using networked a-frame as connectivity can be anything possible with that or I've to do using some other tech.
There is a simple API to send custom messages with the network layer that is already setup:
// subscribe to custom data
NAF.connection.subscribeToDataChannel(dataType, (senderId, dataType, data, targetId) => {})
// send custom data
NAF.connection.broadcastData(dataType, data)
So sending an chat message is as simple as:
const btn = document.querySelector("button"); // SEND btn
const input = document.querySelector("input"); // input field with the text
const log = document.querySelector("#messages") // message log
// when you want to send a message
btn.addEventListener("click", evt => {
// log your own messages
messages.innerHTML += NAF.clientId + ": " + input.value + '<br>'
// broadcast the text as some unique dataType (like "chat")
NAF.connection.broadcastData("chat", {txt: input.value})
// when a "chat" type message arrives
NAF.connection.subscribeToDataChannel("chat", (senderId, dataType, data, targetId) => {
// append the data.txt to the message log
messages.innerHTML += senderId + ": " + data.txt + '<br>'
Check it out in this glitch: