If you have tensor arrays of different lengths across several gpu ranks, the default all_gather
method does not work as it requires the lengths to be same.
For example, if you have:
if gpu == 0:
q = torch.tensor([1.5, 2.3], device=torch.device(gpu))
q = torch.tensor([5.3], device=torch.device(gpu))
If I need to gather these two tensor arrays as follows:
all_q = [torch.tensor([1.5, 2.3], torch.tensor[5.3])
the default torch.all_gather
does not work as the lengths, 2, 1
are different.
As it is not directly possible to gather using built in methods, we need to write custom function with the following steps:
to get sizes of all arrays.dist.all_gather
to get all padded arrays.The below function does this:
def all_gather(q, ws, device):
Gathers tensor arrays of different lengths across multiple gpus
q : tensor array
ws : world size
device : current gpu device
all_q : list of gathered tensor arrays from all the gpus
local_size = torch.tensor(q.size(), device=device)
all_sizes = [torch.zeros_like(local_size) for _ in range(ws)]
dist.all_gather(all_sizes, local_size)
max_size = max(all_sizes)
size_diff = max_size.item() - local_size.item()
if size_diff:
padding = torch.zeros(size_diff, device=device, dtype=q.dtype)
q = torch.cat((q, padding))
all_qs_padded = [torch.zeros_like(q) for _ in range(ws)]
dist.all_gather(all_qs_padded, q)
all_qs = []
for q, size in zip(all_qs_padded, all_sizes):
return all_qs
Once, we are able to do the above, we can then easily use torch.cat
to further concatenate into a single array if needed:
[torch.tensor([1.5, 2.3, 5.3])
Adapted from: github