
Unity adding navmesh agent but why does the navmeshagent area goes on top of the object?

I don't know why, but when I tried to give a ship a navmesh agent, when played it suddenly flipped From this Normal Ship To this Flippedship. And when I check it, it is because the area of the navmesh agent is on top of the ship like this.NavMeshAgent area for the ship. Is there anyway to change it?


  • PlayerUnitShipRoot     <----NavMeshAgent
        PlayerUnitShip     <----Mesh Filter & Mesh Renderer
    1. Create a new GameObject (PlayerUnitShipRoot).

    2. Put your orignial model (PlayerUnitShip) under it.

    3. Add a NavMeshAgent on PlayerUnitShipRoot.

    4. Move and rotate PlayerUnitShip to a proper position.