I am trying to group a list of employees by the gender and department.
How do I ensure all departments are included in a sorted order for each gender, even when the relevant gender count is zero?
Currently, I have the following code and output
//{MALE={HR=1, IT=1}, FEMALE={MGMT=1}}
Preferred output is:
{MALE={HR=1, IT=1, MGMT=0}, FEMALE={HR=0, IT=0, MGMT=1}}
To achieve that, first you have to group by department, and only then by gender, not the opposite.
The first collector groupingBy(Employee::getDepartment, _downstream_ )
will split the data set into groups based on department. As it downstream collector partitioningBy(employee -> employee.getGender() == Employee.Gender.MALE, _downstream_ )
will be applied, it'll divide the data mapped to each department into two parts based on the employee gender. And finally, Collectors.counting()
applied as a downstream will provide the total number of employees of each gender for every department.
So the intermediate map produced by the collect()
operation will be of type Map<String, Map<Boolean, Long>>
- employee count by gender (Boolean
) for each department (for simplicity, department is a plain string).
The next step in transform this map into Map<Employee.Gender, Map<String, Long>>
- employee count by department for each gender.
My approach is to create a stream over the entry set and replace each entry with a new one, which will hold a gender as its key and in order to preserve the information about a department its value in turn will be an entry with a department as a key and a with a count by department as its value.
Then collect the stream of entries with groupingBy
by the entry key. Apply mapping
as a downstream collector to extract the nested entry. And then apply Collectors.toMap()
to collect entries of type Map.Entry<String, Long>
into map.
all departments are included in a sorted order
To insure the order in the nested map (department by count) a NavigableMap
should be used.
In order to do that, a flavor of toMap()
that expects a mapFactory
needs to be used (it also expects a mergeFunction
which isn't really useful for this task since there will be no duplicates, but it has to be provided as well).
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<Employee> employeeRepository =
List.of(new Employee("IT", Employee.Gender.MALE),
new Employee("HR", Employee.Gender.MALE),
new Employee("MGMT", Employee.Gender.FEMALE));
Map<Employee.Gender, NavigableMap<String, Long>> departmentCountByGender = employeeRepository
.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Employee::getDepartment, // Map<String, Map<Boolean, Long>> - department to *employee count* by gender
Collectors.partitioningBy(employee -> employee.getGender() == Employee.Gender.MALE,
.flatMap(entryDep -> entryDep.getValue().entrySet().stream()
.map(entryGen -> Map.entry(entryGen.getKey() ? Employee.Gender.MALE : Employee.Gender.FEMALE,
Map.entry(entryDep.getKey(), entryGen.getValue()))))
(v1, v2) -> v1,
Dummy Employee
class used for demo-purposes:
class Employee {
enum Gender {FEMALE, MALE};
private String department;
private Gender gender;
// etc.
// constructor, getters
{FEMALE={HR=0, IT=0, MGMT=1}, MALE={HR=1, IT=1, MGMT=0}}