
Powershell Call Base Class Function From Overidden Function

I want to make a call to the parent function from its overidden function, i isolated my problem in the following code:

class SomeClass{
    write-host 'hooked'
    return $BaseClass.GetType() # how do i call the BaseClass GetType function??

i am expecting an output like this:

IsPublic IsSerial Name                                     BaseType
-------- -------- ----                                     --------
True     True     SomeClass                                System.Object


  • In oder to call a method on the base class, cast $this to it (([object] $this).GetType(), in your case, given that your class implicitly derives from [object](System.Object)):

    class SomeClass  {
        Write-Verbose -Verbose hooked!
        # Casting to [object] calls the original .GetType() method.
        return ([object] $this).GetType()

    As an aside re referring to the base class in PowerShell custom classes: