
Go function to create either new pointer or new value of a generic type

I have a function which takes a generic type and should return a function that always return a pointer. I.e. if you pass it a non-pointer type it should return a pointer to that type, if you pass it a pointer type it should return the same type. I don't want to use reflect.New as it's a performance-critical app.

I don't mind using reflection in the function that returns the factory function, however ideally not even there.

This is what I'm trying to do:

package main

import (

type Ptr[T any] interface {

func makeNewA[T Ptr[U], U any]() any {
    return new(U)

func makeNewB[T any]() any {
    return new(T)

func makeNew[T any](v T) func() any {
    if reflect.TypeOf(v).Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
        return makeNewA[T] // <-- error: T does not match *U
    } else {
        return makeNewB[T]

type Foo struct{}

func main() {
    make1 := makeNew(Foo{})
    make2 := makeNew(&Foo{})

    // should both return &Foo{}


  • This kind of conditional typing isn't nicely solved with generics, because when you instantiate T any with *Foo you lose information about the base type. As matter of fact your code still uses reflection and any (= interface{}), and the return type of the makeN functions will have to be type-asserted to *Foo.

    The closest you can get with your current code is:

    func makeNew[T any](v T) func() any {
        if typ := reflect.TypeOf(v); typ.Kind() == reflect.Pointer {
            elem := typ.Elem()
            return func() any {
                return reflect.New(elem).Interface() // must use reflect
        } else {
            return func() any { return new(T) } // v is not ptr, alloc with new

    Then both maker functions will return an any that wraps a non-nil *Foo value:

    fmt.Printf("%T, %v\n", make1(), make1()) // *main.Foo, &{}
    fmt.Printf("%T, %v\n", make2(), make2()) // *main.Foo, &{}


    Further considerations: