I have following filter configuration in my logstatsh pipeline. What it does is, at the start of the event first filter creates a CSV file with header and sets the file name to metadata. Second filter writes the output to above CSV.
The challenge (or) requirement I have is:Every Xseconds, we need to create new CSV file and write to that file. I am not ruby expert and couldn't get any clues from Google search. Can someone please advise?
filter {
ruby {
init => "
randval = (0...8).map { (65 + rand(26)).chr }.join
@csv_file = 'output'+randval+'.csv'
csv_headers = ['YYYY-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ','Log Level','Event ID']
if File.zero?(@csv_file) || !File.exist?(@csv_file)
CSV.open(@csv_file, 'w') do |csv|
csv << csv_headers
code => '
output {
file {
path => "output.log"
csv {
fields => [ "created", "level", "code"]
path => "%{[@metadata][suffix]}"
Funnily enough, someone asked exactly this question at discuss.elastic.co yesterday, complete with the same unnecessary init option, so I happen to know that the answer is
ruby {
code => '
event.set("[@metadata][suffix]", 'output' + (Time.now.to_i / 30).to_s + '.csv')
This will result in the file output writing to a different file for any events that arrive in a 30 second interval.
I am not aware of any way to add a header just for the first event written to the file by an output. A csv output can add headers for every row. A csv codec can write headers once, but would not write them again when the file name changed.
That said, if you are just writing to a file you could do the write in the ruby filter and keep track of whether a header has been written for the current value of Time.now.to_i / 30. You could do that using something similar to this. I re-purposed some of the code from the csv output.
input { heartbeat { interval => 5 message => '{ "foo": 1, "bar": 2, "baz": 3 }' } }
filter {
json { source => "message" target => "data" remove_field => [ "message" ] }
ruby {
init => '
@fields = [ "[data][bar]", "[data][baz]" ]
@csv_options = Hash.new
@spreadsheet_safe = true
code => '
def event_to_csv(event)
csv_values = @fields.map {|name| get_value(name, event)}
def get_value(name, event)
val = event.get(name)
val.is_a?(Hash) ? LogStash::Json.dump(val) : escape_csv(val)
def escape_csv(val)
(@spreadsheet_safe && val.is_a?(String) && val.start_with?("=")) ? "\'#{val}" : val
id = Time.now.to_i / 20
file = "output" + id.to_s + ".csv"
fd = open("/tmp/#{file}", "a")
if id != @last_id
chunk = "bar,baz\n"
chunk = event_to_csv(event)
@last_id = id