I have a dataset like this
Time1 Time2 Time3
Median 0.046 0.12 0
Q1, Q3 -0.12, 0.22 -1.67, -4.59 -0.245, 0.289
Range -2.75 -4.65 -2.20 - 1.425 -3.12, -1.928
Median 0.016 0.42 0.067
Q1, Q3 -0.21, 0.63 -1.17, -2.98 -0.478, 0.187
Range -2.15 -2.15 -1.12 - 1.125 -1.45, -1.478
What I want is to make this look like this
Time1 Time2 Time3
Median Q1,Q3 Range Median Q1,Q3 Range Median Q1,Q3 Range
A 0.046 -0.12, 0.22 2.75 -4.65 0.12 -1.67, -4.59 -2.20 - 1.425 0 -0.245, 0.289 -3.12, -1.928
B 0.016 -0.21, 0.63 -2.15 -2.15 0.42 -1.17, -2.98 -1.12 - 1.125 0.067 -0.478, 0.187 -1.45, -1.478
I have used spread
function before to change long to wide, not sure how to turn this into a nested wide. Any suggestions is much appreciated.
df <- structure(list(Col1 = c("A", "Median", "Q1, Q3", "Range", "B",
"Median", "Q1, Q3", "Range"), Time1 = c("", "0.046", "-0.12, 0.22",
"-2.75 -4.65", "", "0.016", "-0.21, 0.63", "-2.15 -2.15"), Time2 = c("",
"0.12", "-1.67, -4.59", "-2.20 - 1.425", "", "0.42", "-1.17, -2.98",
"-1.12 - 1.125"), Time3 = c("", "0 ", "-0.245, 0.289 ",
"-3.12, -1.928", "", "0.067 ", "-0.478, 0.187 ", "-1.45, -1.478"
)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -8L))
Here is a potential solution, see comments for the step by step.
#find rows containing the ids
namerows <- which(df$Time1=="")
#create and fill in the id column
df$id <- ifelse(df$Time1=="", df$Col1, NA)
df <- fill(df, id, .direction="down")
#clean up the dataframe
df <- df[-namerows, ]
pivot_wider(df, id_cols = "id", names_from = "Col1", values_from = starts_with("Time"))
The result:
# A tibble: 2 × 10
id Time1_Median `Time1_Q1, Q3` Time1_Range Time2_Median `Time2_Q1, Q3` Time2_Range Time3_Median `Time3_Q1, Q3` Time3_Range
<chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 A 0.046 -0.12, 0.22 -2.75 -4.65 0.12 -1.67, -4.59 -2.20 - 1.425 "0 " "-0.245, 0.289 " -3.12, -1.928
2 B 0.016 -0.21, 0.63 -2.15 -2.15 0.42 -1.17, -2.98 -1.12 - 1.125 "0.067 " "-0.478, 0.187 " -1.45, -1.478