I am using flutter_form_builder
in my project and want to create and load the formbuilderfieldoptions
when I load the form. My strategy would be to query the database and create the options on the button pressed method of a floating button in the previous page. What would be the best way of passing the options into the form and using them in a radio group.
I have this code using a static radio group but can't figure out how to load them using a predefined widget. Could I create them in the button press event in the previous page and load them using a provider?
name: "various_options",
decoration: InputDecoration(
contentPadding: EdgeInsets.all(12.0),
labelText: "Select an Option",
labelStyle: TextStyle(
fontSize: _user.fontsize, fontWeight: FontWeight.normal)),
options: const [
FormBuilderFieldOption(value: 100, child: Text('Option 1')),
FormBuilderFieldOption(value: 1121, child: Text('Option 2')),
FormBuilderFieldOption(value: 211, child: Text('Option 3')),
FormBuilderFieldOption(value: 32, child: Text('Option 4')),
FormBuilderFieldOption(value: 44, child: Text('Option 5')),
orientation: OptionsOrientation.vertical,
activeColor: Colors.teal,
initialValue: person.role,
Create the form as a separate Stateful page widget. You can then pass in the list of options (List<MyData>
) as an argument to the widget, say:
class MyData {
final int key;
final String value;
final List<MyData> options;
const FormPageWidget({Key? key, required this.options}) : super(key: key);
Then in your FormBuilderRadioGroup
options: List<FormBuilderFieldOption>.generate(
(index) {
return FormBuilderFieldOption(
value: widget.options[index].key,
child: Text(widget.options[index].value)
growable: false,