
Receive Files using teraterm ZMODEM

I'm using teraterm from my windows PC.

I have a serial (USB) port conection to a board that is running linux.

I have access to the linux terminal throught teraterm.

This is the only way to interact with the board.

I want to "copy" files from the board in my PC. For this I thought on using the ZMODEM/receive option.

When I choose the ZMODEM/send option I achieve to send files from my PC to the board, so I asume I have the rigth configuration.

However when I choose the ZMODEM/receive nothing happens, I cannot write the file's name. I think teraterm is waiting for the board to send it.

Is there a way to specify the filename from my PC and receiving it without "manipulating" the board?


  • I just got it.

    I had to use the sz command on linux.

    So, on the board I launched:

    sz /my/file/

    and then click on transfer>ZMODEM>receive and the transfer started automatically :)

    I was used to work with ethernet/ssh and just noticed this method taking a lot more time.