
How to Create a Provisioning Profile for Mac App Distribution

After completing all MAC development, only the deployment stage remains.

I'm a complete beginner developer on MAC.

But when I was deploying, the gatekeeper blocked me, and when I deployed I knew I had to build with a new provisioning file.

So I tried to make it on the Apple Developer site but all failed )-:

Please see below for the steps I followed

  1. Generate a certificate on the MAC PC (.CSR)

  2. Create a Developer ID Application certificate in the Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles screen (using the .CSR created in step 1) enter image description here

  3. After that, I went to Profile and selected the option to deploy using Developer ID and proceeded, but only the message that there is no certificate is displayed as shown below. enter image description here

enter image description here

Does anyone know how to solve this problem?


  • Failure to create a provisioning profile using Developer ID when there is an actual certificate is an Apple problem, and the problem has been resolved in Apple Korea.

    It took Apple about 3 weeks to solve the problem, and when I got a response and checked, it worked normally.