While using SaSPy, how can I find where the library RWORK is located ?
I tried sas.dirlist() but without being able to find anything.
It might be due to remote access?
Below is my setup connexion
import saspy
import pandas as pd
import sas_kernel
import saspy.sascfg
# connexion
sas = saspy.SASsession(cfgfile='C:\\Users\\Anaconda3\\Lib\\site-packages\\saspy\\sascfg.py', cfgname='iomcom',results='html')
Username: user
Password: pwd
SAS Connection established.
options comamid=tcp;
let srvs = server2;
signon noscript remote=srvs user="&Sysuserid" password='pwd';
LIBNAME rwork slibref=work server=srvs;
NOTE: Libref RWORK was successfully assigned as follows:
Engine: REMOTE
I suspect SASPy can't see the remote as you say. You can certainly find out by running code in SAS, just run this inside the rsubmit block:
%put %sysfunc(getoption(work));
So have python send that to SAS within an rsubmit block and you should get your result back in the log (or return it in some other format convenient to you).