I want to make Program with python for change My normal Caps Lock in Windows can do the same think in MacOS.
Features -Press Caps Lock to switch language keyboard. ( Keyboard Layout ) -Hold Caps Lock 1000ms to turn on/off Caps Lock.
I new in python, I think about concept it will work like this.
// sudo code
keyboard // keyboard event
keyboard.press // keyboard key press
while (true) // loop for check all the time
if (keyboard.press === 'Caps Lock') { // if press Caps Lock
n = 0; // create variable
while (keyboard.press === 'Caps Lock' && n < 1000) { // if press/hold Caps Lock
delay(1) // delay 1 ms
n++ // n = n + 1
// when release key / hold longer 1000ms
if ( n < 1000 ) {
// switch language keyboard. ( Keyboard Layout )
} else {
// toggle Caps Lock.
In the end I use AutoHotKey to switch keyboard language ( Keyboard layout )
I have 2 options.
Option 1. This Script Press Caps Lock to switch Layout but Press Shift + Caps Lock to toggle Caps Lock
For use with Auto Hot Key Script V1
SendMode Input
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
sel := 0
#if (sel=0)
send {lwin down}{Space}
sel := 1
capslock up::
send {lwin up}
sel := 0
For use with Auto Hot Key Script V2
SendMode "Input"
SetWorkingDir A_ScriptDir
sel := 0
CapsLock:: {
if sel = 0 {
Send "{LWin Down}{Space}"
global sel := 1
CapsLock Up:: {
Send "{LWin Up}"
global sel := 0
Option 2. This Script Press Caps Lock to switch Layout but Hold Caps Lock for 0.5 Second to toggle Caps Lock
Win + Space can use only windows 8/8.1/10/11
For use with Auto Hot Key Script V1
SendMode Input
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
KeyWait, CapsLock, T0.5
If ErrorLevel
if GetKeyState("CapsLock", "T") = 0
SetCapsLockState on
SetCapsLockState off
Keywait, CapsLock
else Send {lWinDown}{Space}{lWinUp}