
mockito, in koltin how to verify a static method

Having a kotlin singleton static method

internal object TestSingleton {
    fun staticMethod1 (str: String) {
        println("+++ === +++ TestSingleton.staticMethod(), $str")
        staticMethod2 (str)

    fun staticMethod2 (str: String) {
        println("+++ === +++ TestSingleton.staticMethod2(), $str")

In java test code:

    public void test_staticMethod() {

        try (MockedStatic<TestSingleton> theMock = Mockito.mockStatic(TestSingleton.class, CALLS_REAL_METHODS)) {

            theMock.verify(() -> TestSingleton.staticMethod2(eq("test")), times(1));

it runs fine but convert to kotlin it does not compile:

    open fun test_staticMethod() {
        Mockito.mockStatic(TestSingleton::class.java, Mockito.CALLS_REAL_METHODS).use { theMock ->

            theMock.verify(() -> TestSingleton.staticMethod(any(Context.class), "test"), times(1))
            // or
            theMock.verify(times(1), () -> TestSingleton.staticMethod(any(Context.class)) )


enter image description here having mockito version testImplementation "org.mockito:mockito-inline:3.12.4".

How to test static method using mockito in kotlin? Not tried mockk yet since having a lot tests have been working with mockito. Not sure how simple with mockk in this case.


  • Here's how to do it in mockk (I highly recommend switching away from Mockito, mockk is just so much easier):

    import TestSingleton.staticMethod1
    import io.mockk.every
    import io.mockk.just
    import io.mockk.mockkStatic
    import io.mockk.runs
    import io.mockk.verify
    import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
    internal object TestSingleton {
        fun staticMethod1(str: String) {
            println("+++ === +++ TestSingleton.staticMethod(), $str")
        fun staticMethod2(str: String) {
            println("+++ === +++ TestSingleton.staticMethod2(), $str")
    class StackSign {
        fun test_staticMethod() {
            every { TestSingleton.staticMethod2("test") } just runs
            verify(exactly = 1) { TestSingleton.staticMethod2("test") }

    BTW, add this to your build.gradle.kts
