first Question here so please educate me if i'm doing this wrong.
So im working on an SPA that uses BootsrapVue and i created a view that uses a
when this gets rendered i get this html:
<fieldset data-v-3bacc3f3 class="form-group" id="__BVID__38">
<legend tabindex=-1" class="bv-no-focus-ring col-form-label pt-0" id="__BVID__38__label_">Selector</legend>
<div> data-v-3baac3f3 role="group" tabindex="-1" class="btn-group-toggle btn-group bv-no-focus-ring" id="__BVID__39">
<label class="btn btn-outline-secondary disabled atcive">
<input type="checkbox" name="buttons-1" disabled="disabled" class value="100" id="__BVID__39_BV_option_0">
now i've tried alot of stuff but cant figure out how i am able to override the scss styles for the options. Preferably only in this scope, but i cant even manage to do it globaly.
I'm even having trouble figuring out the right place where i should be looking to change css for :hover and :focus.
please help!
This works:
<style lang="scss">
.btn-group-toggle:not(#_) label {
/* general styles */
&.disabled {
&.focus {
&.active {
&:hover {
When adding scoped
attribute to the <style>
tag, you're largely at the hand of your installed pre-processor which might or might not be able to parse >>>
, /deep/
, ::v-deep
or :deep()
, depending on version.
To stay away from such issues, I use the suggestion made in Vue Loader's docs: I create a separate <style>
tag for bootstrap-vue internals, without the scoped
attribute and keep the rest of component style rules in a <style scoped>