I have the following Hy code:
(defn quicksort [lst]
(if (< (len lst) 2)
(return lst)
(setv pivot (// (len lst) 2))
(setv (, under same over) (, [] [] []))
(for [i lst]
(if (< i pivot)
(.append under i)
(if (= i pivot)
(.append same i)
(.append over i))))
(return (+ (quicksort under) same (quicksort over))))))
Which I roughly translated from this Python function:
def quicksort(lst: list) -> list:
if len(lst) < 2:
return lst
under, same, over = [], [], []
pivot = lst[len(lst)//2]
for i in lst:
if i < pivot:
elif i == pivot:
elif i > pivot:
return (quicksort(under) if under else []) + same + (quicksort(over) if over else [])
However, the Hy function throws the following error: (demonstrated in the online Hy interpreter)
RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object
Am I calling the function wrong?
You wrote (// (len lst) 2)
, but the equivalent of the corresponding Python code is (get lst (// (len lst) 2))