I have a buffered store that makes an ajax call. I have about 40 records in total. I want the multiple ajax calls to be triggered on scrolling the page. However, as soon as I load the page I see the multiple ajax calls being made even without scrolling. What change is needed to make this behavior happen only when I scroll the page(i.e, subsequent ajax calls made only on scrolling)? Any help would be great!
My buffered store is as below:
Ext.define('myStore', {
extend: 'Ext.data.BufferedStore',
requires: [
'myStoremodel' // model that the store takes in
storeId: 'myTeststore',
model: 'myStoremodel',
remoteSort: true,
buffered: true,
leadingBufferZone: 2,
trailingBufferZone: 2,
pageSize: 10,
proxy: {
type: 'ajax',
url: "/fetch/getNameList" // the API which returns data to load,
timeout: 5 * 60 * 1000,
reader: {
rootProperty: 'data.name',
totalProperty: 'data.recordSize'
simpleSortMode: true
The result of ajax call is as below: The payload that gets sent is:
_dc: 1647375142598
page: 1
start: 0
limit: 10
The ajax call response:
{success: true, errorCode: 0, errorMsg: null,…}
data: {recordSize: 10, limit: 9,…}
name: [{id: 1234, name: "Jake_Mar142022", appId: 1, isClosed: null,…},…]
0: {id: 1234, name: "TimMar142022", appId: 1, isClosed: null,…}
1: {id: 1252, name: "RatMar142022", appId: null, isClosed: null,…}
2: {id: 1253, name: "MycahMar142022", appId: null, isClosed: null,…}
3: {id: 1238, name: "MeganMar142022", appId: null, isClosed: null,…}
4: {id: 1191, name: "MikeMar092022", appId: null, isClosed: null,…}
5: {id: 1271, name: "TomMar142022", appId: null, isClosed: null,…}
6: {id: 1211, name: "RamMar092022", appId: null, isClosed: null,…}
7: {id: 1212, name: "JustinMar092022", appId: 1, isClosed: null,…}
8: {id: 1213, name: "AnnieMar092022", appId: null, isClosed: null,…}
9: {id: 1231, name: "AnnMar142022", appId: null, isClosed: null,…}
limit: 9
recordSize: 41
errorCode: 0
errorMsg: null
success: true
You have multiple calls because extjs tries to grab as many data, as it needs to fill the visible grid PLUS 2.
If you can see 26, this would do 4 initial calls.
To get a single call you would need to set pageSize
to 30.
I you want to have less calls you have to increase the pageSize
in the proxy, which increases the limit