
How to insert a new row based on previous row

Given table:

Name Date Last Date Frequency
Person1 1-Jan-2022 2-May-2022 30 Days

Expected output:

Name Updated Date Some Other Column
Person1 1-Jan-2022 Value 1
Person1 31-Jan-2022 Value 2
Person1 2-Mar-2022 Value 3
Person1 1-Apr-2022 Value 4
Person1 1-May-2022 Value 5

As shown above we have been given one record, ask is to create a new table from this record. We have to keep inserting new rows till "Updated Date"(Previous row Date + frequency days) in the expected table is less than "Last Date" in the given table.

I want to understand if there is a way to achieve this by Oracle SQL. (without PL/SQL).


  • We can use a recursive CTE in the INSERT SELECT to generate the dates.
    I have used where name = 'Person1' but this could be removed or modified as needed. If a record from table1 exists in table2 should it be updated, duplicated or nothing changed?
    I have taken the liberty to make the frequency field type int for the number of days. We could change this to be able to program frequencies in days, weeks, months etc. but the incrementation in the CTE would become more complicated.
    There is a dbFiddle link at the bottom.

    create Table table1(
      Name varchar(25),
      FirstDate Date,
      LastDate Date,
      Frequency int);
    insert into table1 values
    create table table2 (
      Name varchar(25),
      UpdatedDate date,
      SomeColumn varchar(25));
    INSERT INTO table2 
    WITH CTE (Name, Date_, LD ) AS
      FirstDate AS Date_ ,
    FROM table1
    WHERE Name = 'Person1'
      Date_ + 30,
    WHERE Date_ <= LD)
    SELECT Name, Date_, null FROM CTE;
    SELECT * FROM table2;
    :------ | :---------- | :---------
    Person1 | 01-JAN-22   | null      
    Person1 | 31-JAN-22   | null      
    Person1 | 02-MAR-22   | null      
    Person1 | 01-APR-22   | null      
    Person1 | 01-MAY-22   | null      
    Person1 | 31-MAY-22   | null      

    db<>fiddle here