
Tracking on woocommerce site

I have a 3rd party CRM system for mailing, and want to set up product interest and abandoned cart flows.

For this i have inserted a tracking code on the site, and then in the guide to the setup it just says to instert a visit event on product pages for product interest and it should look like this: hlt.visit(PRODUCTID, CATEGORYID, CATEGORYNAME); where PRODUCTID, CATEGORYID and CATEGORYNAME should be replaced with the params used on the site.

I have no idea how to find out which parameter my site uses for e.g productid.

How do i figure this out?

The script looks something like this for the product page:

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
 var hlt;
 var BiTrackingLoaded = function (BiTracking) {
 (function (d, t) {
 var g = d.createElement(t),
 s = d.getElementsByTagName(t)[0];
 h = "https:" == document.location.protocol ? "https://" : "http://";
 g.src = h + 'tracking.heycommerce.dk/hlbi.js';
 s.parentNode.insertBefore(g, s);
 (document, 'script'));


  • To track the product interest try the following:

    Add the script via your child theme functions.php

    add_action('wp_head', 'zz_add_tracking_codes');
    function zz_add_tracking_codes(){
        // adding on product page only
        if(is_singular( 'product' )){
            $produc_id = get_the_id();
            // Remember a product can have multiple categories so if you can only add one you get the frist element form array.
            $categories = get_the_terms( $produc_id, 'product_cat');
            <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
            const PRODUCTID = '<?php echo $produc_id; ?>';
            const CATEGORYID = '<?php echo $categories[0]->term_id; ?>';
            const CATEGORYNAME = '<?php echo $categories[0]->name; ?>';
            var hlt;
            var BiTrackingLoaded = function (BiTracking) {
            (function (d, t) {
            var g = d.createElement(t),
            s = d.getElementsByTagName(t)[0];
            h = "https:" == document.location.protocol ? "https://" : "http://";
            g.src = h + 'tracking.heycommerce.dk/hlbi.js';
            s.parentNode.insertBefore(g, s);
            (document, 'script'));