I would like to use the hyperref package to color citations only, but it seems that it colors every link.
For example here:
citecolor = blue,
colorlinks = true,
\section{This title should be in red in the TOC}
This citation \cite{a} is blue.
\bibitem{a} Andros, Using hyperref for a citation, StackExchange, 2022.
I would like the citation to be blue, but I don't want the items in the table of contents to be red.
I would not activate colorlinks
with beamer. This can break the carefully constructed colour themes in sometimes very surprising places.
Instead you could change the text colour for the citation:
\usetheme{moloch}% modern fork of the metropolis theme
\xapptocmd{\@citex}{\color{normal text.fg}\xspace}{}{}
This citation \cite{a} is blue.
\bibitem{a} Andros, Using hyperref for a citation, StackExchange, 2022.