
The problem of determining whether this is a piece of land in land map array

This is an issue in typescript. As such, I have a variable with various string entries in the form of x, y position. ["3,3","3,4","3,5","2,3","2,4","2,5","-1,-2","-2,- 2","-2,-1"] I want to know if this piece of land is one piece or several pieces.

enter image description here


  • Establish the mathematical guidelines

    Two tiles are neighbors if they are different by a value of 1 in either x or y (but not both).

    If you only need to determine whether they are all connected, then you really need to determine that every pair of vertices have a path from one to the other.

    Plan the coding implementation

    One way to go about this is to create an empty land mass array, start by adding a single tile from the source array, then you add each tile in the source array to the land mass array if it is a neighbor to one of the items in the land mass. If it does not have a neighbor, it may just not have one on the land mass yet, so we add it to a deferred queue and return to those when we have exhausted the source.

    This method has O(n^2) complexity, but maybe someone else has a better solution computationally.

    Give it a try

    let source = [...coordinateArray]; // from prop or API or wherever
    let landMass = [];
    let deferred = [];
    while(source.length) {
      // add the tile if it has a neighbor on the land mass
      // defer the tile if it does not have a neighbor on the land mass
      source.forEach(pair1 => {
        const [x1, y1] = pair1.split(",");
        const hasNeighbor = !landMass.length || landMass.some(pair2 => {
          const [x2, y2] = pair2.split(",");
          // return "true" if off by 1 in x or y position and 0 in the other
          return (Math.abs(x1 - x2) === 1 && y1 === y2) || (Math.abs(y1 - y2) === 1 && x1 === x2);
        // push tile to landMass or to defer queue
        if(hasNeighbor) {
        } else {
      // if source is now the same as deferred, 
      // then nothing was added to the land mass
      // therefore it is disconnected and we can break out
      if(source.length === deferred.length) {
      // otherwise, we have exhausted the source, 
      // so we move the "deferred" to the "source"
      // and empty the "deferred" to repeat
      source = [...deferred];
      deferred = [];
      // if the deferred queue had length 0, 
      // then we will break out of the while loop
    // if the source has length > 0, then some tiles could not be mapped
    // in that case, it is disconnected
    // if the source has no length, then everything was mapped to the land mass
    // in that case, it is connected
    const allTilesAreConnected = !source.length;