
bootsrap modal not showing vue 3

I use vue 3 with bootsrap 5.

        <b-button @click="showModal" ref="btnShow">Open Modal</b-button>
        <b-modal ref="my-modal">
            <div class="d-block">Hello From My Modal!</div>

    export default {
        methods: {
            showModal() {

When i can open modal with help function modal dont open and i get error concole:

 this.$ is not a function

If i using Emitting events on $root the window doesn't open either without error.

the same error with:

<b-button id="show-btn" @click="$'bv-modal-example')">Open Modal</b-button>
<b-modal id="bv-modal-example" hide-footer> ff  </b-modal>


Modal componet:

 <modal-form :formats="formats" :formatAttr =  "format">
    <template #open>
    <b-button >Добавить формат</b-button>


Other component

  <b-modal v-model="modalShow">
    <div class="d-block">Hello From My Modal!</div>
  <b-button  variant="outline-danger" block @click="hideModal">Close Me</b-button>


export default {
    data() {
        return {
            modalShow: false
    methods: {
             this.modalShow = false;
             this.modalShow = true;

This dont work:

<slot  @click="showModal()" name="open"></slot>

If i do with the example above class "modal-backdrop fade show" dont remove and no items are available

How i can close modal if i use slot for hide button?


  • You could use a ref and v-model to do it:

      <b-button @click="modalShow = true">open</b-button>
      <b-modal v-model="modalShow">
        <div class="d-block">Hello From My Modal!</div>
    export default {
        data() {
            return {
                modalShow: false

    EDIT: or with open function:

      <b-button @click="open()">open</b-button>
      <b-modal v-model="modalShow">
        <div class="d-block">Hello From My Modal!</div>
    export default {
        data() {
            return {
                modalShow: false
        methods: {
                 this.modalShow = true;

    EDITEDIT: or with toggle function

      <b-button @click="toggle()">{{modalShow ? "close" : "open"}}</b-button>
      <b-modal v-model="modalShow">
        <div class="d-block">Hello From My Modal!</div>
    export default {
        data() {
            return {
                modalShow: false
        methods: {
                 this.modalShow = !this.modalShow;

    or with own close Button inside modal:

      <b-button @click="open()">open</b-button>
      <b-modal v-model="modalShow">
        <div class="d-block">Hello From My Modal!</div>
        <button class="btn btn-danger" data-bs-dismiss="modal" @click="close()">close</button>
    export default {
        data() {
            return {
                modalShow: false
        methods: {
                 this.modalShow = true;
              // do something on close