
Android Tiles for wear unclear debug preview

I started to update our wear module to be up to date with latest guidelines of Google Play. Since I'm doing so, I decided to add the Tiles API to the app. When ready for public release it will already be implemented. Doc:

Very unclear... Does anybody understand this?

The wear-tiles-renderer library provides a way to preview Tiles in an activity within your app. To preview your Tile, create an activity that uses the renderer library to render the Tile. Add this activity in src/debug instead of src/main, as you’ll use this activity only for debugging purposes. See the following code sample for an example:

I tried adding the example code to the debug folder manually since I can't add it from Android Studio.

Added the xml file in the main and also added in debug folder to test.

When I load the app it opens my main file of folder src/main but freezes.

Do I need to add any code to load the example if in debug?


  • In Android Studio Dolphin you can now create a Launch configuration without the preview

    enter image description here