
Is there a way to convert a string to a proper array, not an array of strings or an array of characters?

I have this string “[{value: 1400, value1: 50, value2: 48}, {value: 1500, value1: 20, value2: 88}]" and I need to convert into a list [{value: 1400, value1: 50, value2: 48}, {value: 1500, value1: 20, value2: 88}] in JavaScript, is there a way to do that??


  • you can use the eval() function. (!)

    Please be aware, that eval() shouldnt be used generally as you can read in the article above.


    const array = eval('[{value: 1400, value1: 50, value2: 48}, {value: 1500, value1: 20, value2: 88}]');

    Edit: I would suggest to modify you string to fit the JSON-Standard. To achieve this, you would have to put the keys of your objects in quotation marks like this:

    let yourString =  '[{"value": 1400, "value1": 50, "value2": 48}, {"value": 1500, "value1": 20, "value2": 88}]';
    const array = JSON.parse(yourString);

    This will work ^^