The code that I have does result in the desired output. However, in my opinion, using these nested for loops is a little ugly and I am trying to refactor my work.
My question is: do you have any suggestions on refactoring the code so that I can avoid the need of using these nested for loops?
I want to loop over a nested object and end up with a result of all unique keys, and an array of all values for that unique key.
const data = {
something: [
innerSomething: {
list: [
title: "ABC",
amount: "1"
title: "DEF",
amount: "10"
title: "GHI",
amount: "14"
innerSomething: {
list: [
title: "ABC",
amount: "100"
title: "DEF",
amount: "2"
title: "GHI",
amount: "9"
innerSomething: {
list: [
title: "ABC",
amount: "6"
title: "DEF",
amount: "5"
title: "HGI",
amount: "4"
const results = {};
data.something.forEach((item) => {
item.innerSomething.list.forEach((list) => {
if (results[list.title]) {
// exists already, just push the amount
} else {
// Is unique so far, add it to the object
results[list.title] = [list.amount];
console.log(`results: ${JSON.stringify(results)}`);
// These results are the correct and desired output
// {"ABC":["1","100","6"],"DEF":["10","2","5"],"GHI":["14","9"],"HGI":["4"]}
Your implementation is ok, tbh. The only thing I can suggest differently is to make use of the neat destructuring patterns and spread syntax, considering that the structure of your input object is very well known:
data.something.forEach(({ innerSomething: { list } }) =>
list.forEach(({ title, amount }) =>
results[title] = [...results[title] || [], amount]))