
Linqpad keyboard-shortcuts for cycling through the result panels

I am looking for the keyboard-shortcuts for cycling through the result panels. I have plenty of queries that dump intermediate results into different datagrids. I would like to have a keyboard shortcut for cycling though the various result windows.

Alt+up/down scrolls nicely up and down though the content of the focussed result panel. I hoped one of alt+[page-up/down | home/end | left/right] would cycle me through the different result panels. But that does not seem to be the case. The help file states these are mapped to 'scroll output panels', so I guess this means scrolling within the content of the currently focussed panel only.

Is there some other way to cycle through the result panels via keyboard?


  • LINQPad's keyboard shortcuts are listed in Help | Keyboard Shortcuts. To move between output panels, hold down Shift+Ctrl+Alt and use the Left/Right keys.