I have Memu and Bluestacks running on my computer. I am fully interacting with adb on bluestacks. But I am unable to connect to Memu with my python code using ppadb.
If I use the windows and command line "adb -s shell" I can access Memu and same for Bluestacks using "adb -s emulator-5554 shell"
Using this Python code and I can connect to Blue Stacks and interact (eg screencap)
import ppadb
from ppadb.client import Client
adb = Client(host='', port=5037)
#adb = Client()
print("getting list of devices")
devices = adb.devices()
for onedevice in devices:
print("connecting to Memu")
device = adb.device("emulator-5554")
I using the following windows command line command to connect to Memu "adb connect"
output from "adb devices -l" is the following
C:\Program Files\Microvirt\MEmu>adb devices -l
List of devices attached
emulator-5554 device product:OnePlus5 model:ONEPLUS_A5000 device:OnePlus5 device product:A5010 model:A5010 device:A5010
I am using the following python code to try to connect to Memu and it just hangs.....
import ppadb
from ppadb.client import Client
adb = Client(host='', port=21503)
#adb = Client()
print("getting list of devices")
devices = adb.devices()
for onedevice in devices:
print("connecting to Memu")
device = adb.device("")
One would think that If I can interact with the shell of Memu then I should be able to connect via Python.
Is there anything obvious I am doing wrong?
Connect to adb server not to the device
adb = Client(host='', port=5037)