
how to traverse through each line of a text file in ansible

I have to traverse through package list file which contains list of packages with their architecture. How can I feed those input to my playbook file? I found a way to get the package names alone but architecture version is not coming. This is my package_list file

nginx | x86_64
telnet| x86_64
openssh | i386

This is my playbook

 - name: get contents of package.txt
   command: cat "/root/packages.txt"
   register: _packages
 - name: get contents of architecture from packages.txt
   command: cat "/root/packages.txt" | awk '{print $3}'
   register: _arch

 - name: Filter
     username: "admin"
     password: "mypass"
     server_url: "myhost"
     name: "myfilter"
     organization: "COT"
     content_view: "M_view"
     filter_type: "rpm"
     architecture: "{{ _arch }}"
     package_name: "{{ item }}"
     inclusion: True
   loop: "{{ _packages.stdout_lines }}"
   loop: "{{ _arch.stdout_lines }}"

Any help would be appreciated

The required output is package name and architecture should be read from packages.txt file through ansible-playbook


  • try this playbook:

    - name: Reproduce issue
      hosts: localhost
      gather_facts: no
        - name: get contents of package.txt
          command: cat "/root/packages.txt"
          register: _packages
        - debug: 
            msg: "package: {{ line.0 }}, arch: {{ line.1 }}"         
          loop: "{{ _packages.stdout_lines }}"
            line: "{{ item.split('|')|list }}"


    ok: [localhost] => (item=nginx | x86_64) => {
        "msg": "package: nginx , arch:  x86_64 "
    ok: [localhost] => (item=telnet| x86_64) => {
        "msg": "package: telnet, arch:  x86_64 "
    ok: [localhost] => (item=openssh | i386) => {
        "msg": "package: openssh , arch:  i386 "

    for your case:

     - name: Filter
         architecture: "{{ line.1 }}"
         package_name: "{{ line.0 }}"
         inclusion: True
       loop: "{{ _packages.stdout_lines }}"
         line: "{{ item.split('|')|list }}"

    following the version of ansible you could write too line: "{{ item | split('|') | list }}"