Alrighty, time to ask a very stupid/obvious question. I need to ping a webserver/website to see if it's valid, using the ICMP protocol. You
. My code generates a bunch of TLD's, and subdomain's to a user-inputted domain name. I plan on pinging all of them (it's about 6 usually) to see if they're actually valid before doing what I need to do with them. However, all the tutorials and questions similar to mine are from like 2010 and don't work anymore. The one thing I have got to work printed out the results of the ping, which I don't want. So maybe some sort of function that like below, it just returns or prints out whether or not it's online not actual responses if that makes sense:
def website_checker():
if os.system("ping"):
print(" is valid")
print(" is not valid")
I'm not sure if that helps but I can't put it into any better words. Please, I'm pulling my hair out
I figured it out thanks to the help of @Moanos! Here is the code:
from icmplib import ping
def host_up(hostname:str):
host = ping(hostname, count=5, interval=0.2)
return host.packets_sent == host.packets_received
hosts = ""
if host_up(hosts):
print(f"{hosts} is valid")
print(f"{hosts} is not valid")
So to the function is @Moanos's code, but the rest is mine. The reason I am using a try, except block is to prevent the NameLookupError from printing out! So when it's valid, it says only that it's valid and same case for when it is not a valid domain.