
The Google Fit button in your YouTube link is not compliant with the Google fit branding guidelines

Google says that login button is wrong.

"Sign-in Branding

The Google Fit button in your YouTube link is not compliant with the Google fit branding guidelines.

Please update the button so that it complies with the Google Fit branding guidelines."

enter image description here

And the video itself:

What is this screen supposed to look like? Does somebody have examples of buttons that DID pass the review process? I did follow the branding guidelines to the best of my understanding, but it's still stuck.

EDIT: Should it actually be one button to activate Google Fit, and then another to request the permission for physical activity?


  • I am currently going through the same process as you do. I think it has to do with the folowing:

    I will return with an update as soon as I hear from the Google team again.