
Passing --tag-build or --tag-date to setuptools PEP 517 builder

I am trying to create a snapshot/daily build of my Python package, using Setuptools and Build (the PEP 517 build module).

I have tried adapting this section of the Setuptools documentation:

However, none of the following commands worked:

python -m build --config-setting=--tag-date myproject
python -m build --config-setting=tag-date myproject
python -m build --tag-date myproject

The first two build the package without the version tag, while the third is an error. The results are the same when I use --tag-build instead of --tag-date.

How can I tell Setuptools to add the version tag, if none of the above options work?

I do not have a, only a setup.cfg. I cannot use bdist_wheel --tag-date, this command will say "File not found" because does not exist in my project.

EDIT after searching through Setuptools issue tracker, I also tried the following commands, with no success:

python -m build --config-setting=--global-options=--tag-date myproject
python -m build --config-setting=--global-options=tag-date myproject
python -m build --config-setting=global-options=--tag-date myproject
python -m build --config-setting=global-options=tag-date myproject


  • Digging through the setuptools code, it looks like the --tag-date and the --tag-build options are available if passed to egg_info.


    python egg_info --tag-date --tag-build=dev bdist_wheel

    As for combining setuptools with build, you were almost there, it's just that you had to chain egg_info and --tag-date together:

    python -m build -C--global-option=egg_info -C--global-option=--tag-date --wheel 

    Note that --tag-date doesn't take any value, it will just add date stamp (e.g. 20050528) to version number


    Source code for setuptools:

    Package version:

    build            0.7.0
    setuptools       60.10.0