I am able to click on the required canvas node, but also needed to select the node prior to clicking '+' button attached to it
//get a reference to the diagram object
const diagram = go.Diagram.fromDiv(document.getElementsByClassName("diagram-component")[0])
//using the diagram object find a node by name
const node = diagram.findNodesByExample({text: "capeutil"}).first()
//once you have the node you can expand it with the following command
node.findObject('ButtonButton').click(null, {part:node});
Need to help to select node by text
Selenium implementation
public void test_node_selection(String nodeName){
JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) context.getDriver();
"const diagram = go.Diagram.fromDiv(document.getElementsByClassName('diagram-component')[0]);" +
"const node = diagram.findNodesByExample({text: '" + nodeName + "'}).first()" +
If you have a reference to a node, you can select it by calling Diagram.select
Note that this clears any other selection the Diagram may have.