
Resize An Existing Rectangle On Mouse Hover

I tried to follow a tutorial and finally came to a solution, almost. Here's the link for stackblitz - Resize SVG Rectangle

So here's the scenario, a rectangle is drawn using SVG with default perimeters that's working fine. My requirement is to resize the existing rectangle when I hover the mouse on it and if I click in any other section rather than the rectangle, then it should be drawn from scratch. So right now, whatever I do, it starts the drawing from scratch rather than resizing the existing one.

For a reference, this is what I am trying for resizing only: Resize Rectangle

So these are the events that are attached to the svg element:

//This section starts drawing rectangle from scratch
startDrawing(evt: MouseEvent) {
    this.createdShape = {
      type: this.shapeType,
      x: evt.offsetX,
      y: evt.offsetY,
      w: 0,
      h: 0,

  this.shapesToDraw.fill(this.createdShape); //This fills with the created shape

//This does the resizing but only when I start drawing a rectangle from scratch, doesn't imply resizing for existing rectangle
keepDrawing(evt: MouseEvent) {
   this.createdShape.w = evt.offsetX - this.createdShape.x;
   this.createdShape.h = evt.offsetY - this.createdShape.y;

//This stops drawing and sets **createdShape** to null
stopDrawing() {
   this.createdShape = null;

I am thinking to check if there are any certain conditions to check for resizing as follows:

private resizeConMeet(evt: MouseEvent) {

But I am not sure if there's any way I can do so? Would expect a suggestion or guidance to make it work.


  • Nice work :)

    So, thanks to the StackBlitz, I could adapt the code.

    The main ideas :

    Please try to do it by yourself. Here is my version