I tried to follow a tutorial and finally came to a solution, almost. Here's the link for stackblitz - Resize SVG Rectangle
So here's the scenario, a rectangle is drawn using SVG with default perimeters that's working fine. My requirement is to resize the existing rectangle when I hover the mouse on it and if I click in any other section rather than the rectangle, then it should be drawn from scratch. So right now, whatever I do, it starts the drawing from scratch rather than resizing the existing one.
For a reference, this is what I am trying for resizing only: Resize Rectangle
So these are the events that are attached to the svg element:
//This section starts drawing rectangle from scratch
startDrawing(evt: MouseEvent) {
this.createdShape = {
type: this.shapeType,
x: evt.offsetX,
y: evt.offsetY,
w: 0,
h: 0,
this.shapesToDraw.fill(this.createdShape); //This fills with the created shape
//This does the resizing but only when I start drawing a rectangle from scratch, doesn't imply resizing for existing rectangle
keepDrawing(evt: MouseEvent) {
this.createdShape.w = evt.offsetX - this.createdShape.x;
this.createdShape.h = evt.offsetY - this.createdShape.y;
//This stops drawing and sets **createdShape** to null
stopDrawing() {
this.createdShape = null;
I am thinking to check if there are any certain conditions to check for resizing as follows:
private resizeConMeet(evt: MouseEvent) {
But I am not sure if there's any way I can do so? Would expect a suggestion or guidance to make it work.
Nice work :)
So, thanks to the StackBlitz, I could adapt the code.
The main ideas :
this.createdShape.x < evt.x < this.createdShape.x + w
this.createdShape.y < evt.y < this.createdShape.y + h
this.createdShape = null
) when you stop drawingisDrawing
) that you set to true
when you start drawing and set to false
when you stop drawing. Use this variable to prevent redrawing the rectangle when you are not drawingPlease try to do it by yourself. Here is my version