I saw that Chromatic action is able to change the "details" link in PR check and post an additional comment. Can someone help me to set it up in my own workflow? check the image for example
Seems the GitHub Actions: checks-action is a good fix to solve your problem:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v1
- uses: actions/create-outputs@v0.0.0-fake
id: test
- uses: LouisBrunner/checks-action@v1.1.1
if: always()
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
name: Test XYZ
conclusion: ${{ job.status }}
output: |
{"summary":${{ steps.test.outputs.summary }}}
The output field could help:
Supports the following properties:
summary: Required, summary of your check
text_description: Optional, a text description of your annotation (if any)
Link to Marketplace