I'm pretty new to OctopusDeploy and am trying to set up a process to deploy our artifact to multiple Windows Servers.
As of right now it is deploying the package to the default working directory of C:\Octopus\Applications......
but I need it to be deployed to a different path.
I have defined a Custom Install Directory in the process editor, however this seems to be overlooked during the deployment, and the package just goes to the default directory.
I have tried substituting the path with a variable, but that didn't fix it. There are no errors or warnings in the deployment logs.
Can anyone help?
Sounds like you're taking the right steps to change your custom installation directory on your deployment.
One thing to check is that you've created a new release since updating your step configuration. Because releases in Octopus snapshot the deployment process, any updates you make won't show up in your deployments until you've created a new release.