I found a really great use case for optional chaining in my react project. I have used it slightly before but this line of code has made me a bit confused.
I have a table that is sortable.
One of the columns shows success or failure depending on if failed_date
is null or a date.
sortedRows = sortedRows.sort((a, b) => a?.failed_date?.localeCompare(b?.failed_date));
But What confuses me is which value does the '?.' check is nullish?
Does a.failed_date?.localeCompare()
check if failed_date?.
is null/undefined or does it check if ?.localeCompare()
is null/undefined?
Same with b?.failed_date
is it checking b to be nullish? or failed_date.
I think My confusion comes from looking at the Documentation
Because arr?.[50]
checks if element 50 is nullish but obj.method?.()
checks if the method is not nullish?
Looking at this second block of code (which I believe is now correct) a.failed_date
may be nullish and won't do localeCompare if a.failed_date
is null?
But what if a.failed_date
is not null but b.failed_date
is null?
Does localeCompare not care? I haven't gotten an error but I was using localeComapre(b?.failed_date)
sortedRows = sortedRows.sort((a, b) => a.failed_date?.localeCompare(b.failed_date));
Let's say you define variable like below
const variable = { value: 'test' };
then you want to access variable?.value
it equals variable === null || variable === undefined ? undefined : variable.value
Same with array.
Check typescript playground and see js output https://www.typescriptlang.org/play?#code/MYewdgzgLgBAhgJwXAnjAvDA2gXQNwBQBiyKA-AHRYCsADDkA