
Add or subtract an interval from a timeval

I've seen a number of questions / answers for subtracting two datetimes here but not one for adding or subtracting an interval to / from a timevalue.

Add milliseconds to timeval C++ This asnwer does not result in a valid timeval structure.

void addms2timeval(int microseconds, timeval tv); //prototype (doesn't exist yet)
    struct timeval later; 
    gettimeofday(&later, NULL);
    addms2timeval(1000, later);
    //later is now 1000 us in the future. 

Also doesn't seem to be part of the standard C libraries unless I missed it.

Perhaps it's trivial, but it seems like one of those things that you can think you coded correctly but which then fails randomly every so often due to over / under flows.

Has anyone written and tested this?


  • I have a pair of files, timeval_math.c and timeval_math.h that probably show you how to do what you want.


    #include <sys/time.h>
    extern void sub_timeval(struct timeval t1, struct timeval t2, struct timeval *td);
    extern void add_timeval(struct timeval t1, struct timeval t2, struct timeval *td);
    extern int  cmp_timeval(struct timeval t1, struct timeval t2);
    #endif /* JLSS_ID_TIMEVAL_MATH_H */


    #include "timeval_math.h"
    enum { US_PER_SECOND = 1000000 };
    void sub_timeval(struct timeval t1, struct timeval t2, struct timeval *td)
        td->tv_usec = t2.tv_usec - t1.tv_usec;
        td->tv_sec  = t2.tv_sec - t1.tv_sec;
        if (td->tv_sec > 0 && td->tv_usec < 0)
            td->tv_usec += US_PER_SECOND;
        else if (td->tv_sec < 0 && td->tv_usec > 0)
            td->tv_usec -= US_PER_SECOND;
    void add_timeval(struct timeval t1, struct timeval t2, struct timeval *td)
        td->tv_usec = t2.tv_usec + t1.tv_usec;
        td->tv_sec  = t2.tv_sec + t1.tv_sec;
        if (td->tv_usec >= US_PER_SECOND)
            td->tv_usec -= US_PER_SECOND;
        else if (td->tv_usec <= -US_PER_SECOND)
            td->tv_usec += US_PER_SECOND;
    int cmp_timeval(struct timeval t1, struct timeval t2)
        if (t1.tv_sec < t2.tv_sec)
            return -1;
        else if (t1.tv_sec > t2.tv_sec)
            return +1;
        else if (t1.tv_usec < t2.tv_usec)
            return -1;
        else if (t1.tv_usec > t2.tv_usec)
            return +1;
            return 0;


    Clearly, you can write an addms2timeval() function, but it isn't clear to me how your interface (void addms2timeval(int microseconds, timeval tv); returns the value. You should probably use one of these two interfaces:

    struct timeval addms2timeval(int microseconds, struct timeval tv);
    void addms2timeval(int microseconds, struct timeval *tv);

    Assuming the latter, you can write:

    void addms2timeval(int microseconds, struct timeval *tv)
         add_timeval(*tv, (struct timeval){.tv_sec = 0, .tv_usec = microseconds}, tv);

    The second argument to add_timeval() is a compound literal, a feature added to C99.

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