I am making a chat app and I would like to save messages in the correct order.
Imagine, I would have a static number of messages
// 4 messages. array of static length: 4
chatMessages: string[] = ['hello', 'world', 'and', 'stack overflow members']; //
now, let's create a save observables for them.
chatMessages: Observable<ChatMessage>[] = chatMessages.map((message: string) => {
return chatService.saveMessage(message); // returns an Observable to call API
Now, I want to save them one by one, one after another.
I do it this way:
concatMap((observable) => observable),
Now My question is, if the initial chatMessages array is dynamic - (can be added a message in any point of time, even during saving). How do I loop the array to save chat messages one by one, keeping the order they were added ?
For example: two out of four messages were saved, the 3rd is being processed, and in that moment the 5th message is added to the chatMessages array. How do I manage that?
If the initial chatMessages array is dynamic - (can be added a message in any point of time, even during saving)
You are describing an Observable of Message (string), not an array! Since you are processing items one at a time, there is no need for array.
You can just use a simple subject that emits messages as they are received and have one subscription to that stream that saves the messages for you:
chatMessage$ = new Subject<string>();
function saveMessage(message: string) {
concatMap(message => chatService.saveMessage(message))
This will processes the new messages one at a time, in the correct order.