
How to add a comma after the list field in Gravity form

I want to add a comma after the field in Gravity form. I'm using a list field and after submitting the form there should be a comma after each name.

live form :-

see the attached image

I want to add a comma after the field in Gravity form. I'm using a list field and after submitting the form there should be a comma after each name.


  • If you are trying to get an array of names separated by commas you may just want to add a new hidden field to your form that can be updated by the list of names after submission. Try adding this code to your functions.php

    add_action( 'gform_after_submission_1', 'array_name_list', 10, 2 );//1 in this case is your form id
    function array_name_list($entry, $form ){
        $list=unserialize( rgar( $entry, '4' ) );//4 in this case is the listfield 
        $entry['20'] = implode(",",$list);//replace 20 with new hidden field id
        return GFAPI::update_entry( $entry );