
Depth Sensors In ArCore

I am trying to understand the depth APIs in Arcore. I am using a Google Pixel4, which I understand has a depth sensor:

So, if I first call config.setDepthMode(Config.DepthMode.AUTOMATIC);

then frame.acquireDepthImage() is able to return an image.

However, the code below does not find a compatible sensor. If I remove the "REQUIRE_AND_USE" filter: I get 9 cameras all of which have DO_NOT_USE for depth.

 private void UseADedicatedDepthSensor_NotWorkingOnPixel4() {
    CameraConfigFilter cameraConfigFilter=new CameraConfigFilter(session);
    cameraConfigFilter.setDepthSensorUsage(EnumSet.of( CameraConfig.DepthSensorUsage.REQUIRE_AND_USE));
    List<CameraConfig> cameraConfigList = session.getSupportedCameraConfigs(cameraConfigFilter);
    for (CameraConfig cameraConfig : cameraConfigList) {
      String cameraString="camera:"+cameraConfig.getCameraId()+" d:"+cameraConfig.getDepthSensorUsage().toString()+ " s:"+cameraConfig.getTextureSize().toString();
    //this will crash as no camera has REQUIRE_AND_USE
    CameraConfig supportedCamera=cameraConfigList.get(0);

So my questions are:

  1. Does Pixel4 have a an arcore supported depth sensor?
  2. If yes, then why are all my camera's depth sensors configured as: DO_NOT_USE
  3. How come I can still get a depth image?


  • Summary at end of answer.

    In the ARCore API there is a difference between using the depth sensor for AR tracking and being able to acquire a depth image, and the availability of these two features is completely independent:

    In addition, the availability of these two features on a given model of device is determined by different factors:

    When looking at the list of supported devices, devices that list "Supports Depth API" should provide a depth image when calling acquireDepthImage, and devices that list "Supports time-of-flight (ToF) hardware depth sensor" should support using CameraConfig.DepthSensorUsage.REQUIRE_AND_USE (although it is noteworthy that only very few devices list this so I suspect that there are more devices that support it but don't have it listed). Again, the "Supports Depth API" feature doesn't make any guarantees that ARCore will use the hardware depth sensor (even if the device has a depth sensor). It is also theoretically possible that a device may support CameraConfig.DepthSensorUsage.REQUIRE_AND_USE but does not provide a depth image through acquireDepthImage.

    According to the supported devices list, the Pixel 4 does support the depth API (acquireDepthImage) but does not list hardware depth sensor support.

    TL;DR acquireDepthImage and CameraConfig.DepthSensorUsage.REQUIRE_AND_USE are separate APIs that mean different things. acquireDepthImage gives you a depth image, but not necessarily one that is produced by a hardware depth sensor. CameraConfig.DepthSensorUsage.REQUIRE_AND_USE means that a hardware depth sensor will be used for tracking the movement of the device in 3D space. The availability of one of these features doesn't mean that the other is also available. In particular, the availability of acquireDepthImage does not mean that ARCore is using or supports the depth sensor.

    1. Does Pixel4 have a an arcore supported depth sensor?

      No, according to the details on the supported devices list. "Supports Depth API" indicates that you can acquire a depth image through acquireDepthImage, not that the hardware depth sensor is supported by ARCore.

    2. If yes, then why are all my camera's depth sensors configured as: DO_NOT_USE

      Because ARCore does not support your device's depth sensor.

    3. How come I can still get a depth image?

      Either the depth image is produced by software based on the other data that is available to ARCore, or ARCore is using the depth sensor to produce the depth image but does not support using the depth sensor for movement tracking (which is what you are asking for by setting CameraConfig.DepthSensorUsage.REQUIRE_AND_USE).